Dear blog readers,
It's World Cup time and the world, or at least Dubai, seems obsessed by it. So, in protest, that is all I am going to say about it.
I often hear how smells are very powerful at triggering memories. I don't know about smells, but for me, it's words and music.
Every now and then I think back to moments or words that have special meaning for me. In particular I remember one poem and one song that hold beautiful memories. My then "best friend" at high school wrote some verses from the Stones song "Wild Horses" on a birthday card. I remember her each time I hear that song. Recently we have connected again, and I wonder if she remembers writing those words so many years ago.
A couple of weeks ago I finally tracked down a poem I had loved when I was a teenager. I can't remember how old I was when I first read it - maybe 16 or 17 and a group of us had gone to a drama camp at Sydney Uni. I met a person there who really brought this poem to my mind. A couple of years back I met another but I couldn't find the poem. Now I've found it. I guess I can't quote it in its entirety - copyright and all that. If you want to look it up, it's e e cummings - Number 30 in 73 Poems.
... but a few lines should be safe.
Nobody,it's safe
to say,observed him but
myself;and why?because
without any doubt he was
whatever(first and last)
mostpeople fear most:
a mystery for which i've
no word except alive
-that is,completely alert
and miraculously whole;
with not merely a mind and a heart
but unquestionably a soul-...
it is my dearest wish for you all that you know at least one person like this.