Monday, 4 July 2011

I want to break free

I know some of my older readers will remember Freddie Mercury and this wonderful Queen song. I've been reflecting recently about how many barriers we create for ourselves to prevent ourselves breaking free. Why is it that people need to feel safe and secure, even when it's clearly not making them happy and is, on occasion, even damaging them?

How can we remove the bars that cage us and take action to go to another place in life? What is the worst that can happen?

Any thoughts, encouragement, random hints, etc. welcome.

I know it will be worth it in the end.


  1. they say that the moment you feel safe and comfortable is the moment you need to break free and change your habits. you have in your hands the power to change things. do it.

  2. Familiarity is easy - change is hard. That's what it boils down to. But every time you can push through your fears and do something out of that comfort zone - no matter how small that may be - it builds the courage to aim for bigger things. We may fall down, we may lose money etc, but in the end we are living if we take those leaps. The world isn't going to end. :)

  3. it simply is the unknown that scares us and really happiness comes from with in ..not material things and that is really hard to come to grips with when every day we are bombarded by new stuff and placed that look way better than where we are...even the rich do not seem happy we must work on our inner happiness first...

  4. Isn't it crazy how not being satisfied with where we are somehow can seem more attractive than risking a little to potentially gain a lot? I mean what's the worst that can happen? I could be living in a city I love in Australia collecting unemployment benefits until I find another job ... not such a bad 'worst case scenario' :-)
